среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

football grove northwestern roosevelt university

MOM'S TIP:Do you spend most of your mornings searching for the "other" matching shoe?� As you're headed out the door to work and school, do you have at least one kid, persistently, go into panic mode when they can't seem to the find their homework?� I've got the solution.� Lay everything out the night before.� After my kids are ready for bed, we pick out their school clothes for the next day.� We lay out everything...socks, shoes, even hair accessories.� It makes it so much easier to get ready the next morning.� I make my girls get their book bags ready-- with homework in them, and anything else that they will need for school the next day.� I even pack lunches the night before.� All I have to do the next morning is put the cold items in with a cold pack.� I even lay out everything for my baby....his clothes, blankets, etc.� I also pack up his diaper bag the night before.� That way it's done.� If you know you're gonna go somewhere the next day, get out everything you need the night before.� This works for every trip...the gym, (towel, tennis shoes, workout clothes, etc.), the grocery store (put your list and coupons where you can find them), and doctor's appts (insurance cards, co-pays� and any paperwork ready).� Mornings are so hectic anyway.� Don't make them any harder then they have to be.� Usually, the way we feel in the mornings set the tone for the whole day.� Put these practices into good use, and you'll find that your day will go a whole lot smoother.

MOM'S SOAPBOX:One of the big stories in the headlines is the "bailout."� I have mixed feelings about this bailout.� On one hand, I understand that the bailout was needed due to misguided souls who decided to change the regulation standards with the housing market.� Some have said that we didn't have a choice.� The money was needed to free up credit to help out small business, especially.� On the other hand, I understand that there are many CEO's who have gotten rich off this bailout.� They made bad investments with innocent people's money and because they lost money, they get to have these "golden parachutes" and go to these elaborate resorts for vacation.� This part I don't understand.� It's not fair� What's your opinion?� Let me know.� Click on "comments" below.

MOM'S VERSE:John 3:16� "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."� (KJV)� We have a God who loves us very much.� He loved us enough to send His son to die on a cross to take our punishment for sin.� All we have to do is accept His free gift of salvation.� Won't you do that today, if you� have not already done so?�

See ya tomorrow

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