понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Love is patient
Love is kind
It does not boast
It is not proud
It is not rude
It is not self-seeking
It is not easily angered
It keeps no record of wrong
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with truth
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserves
Love never fails.


When perfection comes, imperfection disappeas

When i was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When i became a man, i put childish ways behind me. For now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now i know in part; then i shall know fully, even as i am fully known.

Now these three remain: faith hope and love
The greatest of these is love.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Hello So Iapos;ve just recently found my way into this lovely corner of fandom and while obsessively scrolling though previous entries has turned up some great stuff, Iapos;m hoping someone could help me find a few types of stories Iapos;ve been looking for that seem suspiciously lacking.

While Iapos;ve come across quite a few apos;discoveryapos; fics, with Wilson, Cuddy, or the other ducklings finding out about H/C I havenapos;t found any with Stacy. It seems like thereapos;s plenty of House/Wilson fics involving the Stacy conflict, but itapos;s rather absent in this pairing.

Also, I read a really great gen fic the other day in which House made Chase his medical proxy after the shooting and I was wondering if there are any more that focus more strongly on a House/Chase relationship (of any nature) where House has to name someone his proxy or where Chase or any of the other usual suspects finds out that Chase is already Houseapos;s proxy.

Hope someone can help me with these...Thanks in advance

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axl rose has committed suicide


It started by me having to walk through a door. . And then a tunnel of people while Sexy Back played and they all high fived and hugged me.

...It was the most amazing thing ever.

The interview was with games, joking around, and being plain AWESOME. It was a group interview, so there were 7 people (Me and 6 others) couple of them were real shy, others seemed kinda "wtf?" but I had a blast. And I hope it showed XD they were looking for laid back party people

the employees are the ones who interviewed us. The manager was there but heapos;s not the one who questioned us. Which was really cool.

The story had an amazing set up too. Their new store apos;The cityapos; they have it where you can come in and play video games. FULL games, not demos. They have big couches set up in front of tvs, and youapos;re allowed to come in and just watch tv. Nothing else, just watch a movie in HD.
They have movie nights and game nights for the employees and just anyone else who wants to walk in.

Itapos;s really cool. I hope I get hired. I felt really good about it, I connected with the guys working there, we laughed a lot when we did individual interviews. I was happy and joyous, yet still gave good answers and explained how I want to help the apos;guestsapos; in the store and keep things running smooth.

I reeeeally wanna work there. <3

Iapos;ll probably cry in joy if they call me back. Hereapos;s hoping.

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exlers garage

I just pushed up a new Drizzle branch at lp:~fallenpegasus/drizzle/newplugins

It contains two new plugin types, one for configuration interface, and one for query cache. Those two are not "plumbed in", and are in fact just templates, containing two dummy entry points with two dummy parameters. But they follow the evolving pattern for plugin types.

It also contains fixes and improvements for the logging and errmsg plugins. The logging engine implementation has parameters for filtering for slow queries and for "big queries", both ones that return a lot of rows, and ones that just examine a lot of rows.

Itapos;s all also been internationalized.

There is still lots of work to be done, but itapos;s fun to get this foundation stuff going.

I just read that Toru has a branch heapos;s been working on a query cache plugin interface as well, so we need to work together to stitch all our work together.

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People deserve to know when theyapos;re doing a good job.

This is the second time in my life where Iapos;ve left good comments for people I donapos;t know.

Dear Mr. Eric Jacoby (General Manager),

I would like to express my gratitude towards your staff at Palomino restaurant in San Francisco for doing such a wonderful job. I visited your restaurant on Tuesday, October 14th, 2008. My relatives flew in from the east coast for the 94th annual American Surgeon Conference and my mother was up to visit as well. I had been to Palomino before with a large group and had a relatively pleasant experience. I decided to try my luck again and brought my relatives to your restaurant due to its prime location--great picture opportunities available right outside as we waited.

First and foremost, I am writing you this email because my family and I were extremely impressed with your employee, Elias, whose last name I do not know. Without knowing who my family was, he was more than kind and sincere to us. A general surgeon sitting at the table (a hard man to please), he listened patiently as I begrudgingly listened to my uncle "create his own pasta" and asked Elias ridiculous questions. Elias was always polite and even made suggestions to compliment my uncleapos;s personal dish along with a personal selection off the wine list, to which my uncle had three glasses of

After dinner, my entire family was impressed with Eliasapos; service and told me that I did a great job on choosing an exceptional restaurant.

The manager for the evening was very charming and engaged in light conversation with our table as well.

Thank you for hiring such great staff and having such great food

Grace Lee

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Jennicam in a way made me think about another aspect of cyber space which is cyber stalking� . Jennifer Ringley reportedly stopped sripteases because she had started recieveng death threats on the net. But this makes one think that how does one then draw the line on when to resist and when to not�,��Jenny to a certain extent herself indulgeding in strip tease and it can be always interpreted as inviting trouble . So how oes one negotiate the extent to which a person can put their foot down and say no.I dont know whether im succesful in explaining my point. But certainly it is a dilemma that it is always the woman who is accused of inviting trouble by a certain behaviour appearace or body language. Also Jenny herself withdrew this act from cyberspace which questions the fact why women are silent when it comes to harrasment and violence and is this projected in the cyber space too which is� ironically also seen a a progressive space for womens issues.


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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Try to reach me, want to feel me, go right through me...a sad joke, you need my warmth and Im your fire... But when you want me... Iapos;m like smoke. See right through me, you cant move me, and take in to much, you will choke..
Im untouchable, unattainable...
Never around for more than a moment, yet always lurking in your corners.
In the dark I am your comfort, in the light I am a shadow...crawling upside down against the wall...
The wicked ghost, cast fear to all...
Am I a fairytale, a horror story untold?
What are the answers you seek, child... What story will unfold?
Wish you knew me, but dare you not, for as far as you know, I may have forgot...
you dont exist to me, and Im so translucent, and its only jibberish you speak to me, and in tounges I am fluent.
Im the demon, Im your angel, Im everything youre glad you never had to become, and yet everything you wanted to be. Dont bother trying to save me. You cant get ahold of me, though apon it your life depends...
And although your mortal enimy, somehow we became close friends...
All the darkenss i the deep hidden place�in your mind, I fill with my evil, and all of disgrace, and youre insights I rob you of, youre blind.
Im everything you needed, and your greatest danger, we know eachother so well, yet weapos;re unspoken strangers... You always knew Iapos;d always be the only one whod ever care... And you and I both know...Im only your sick imagination... I was never really there... I was untouchable, so unattainable.
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